One of the earliest pieces of tried was to sync two folders. The reason I wanted to do this is because I keep a lot of our photos etc. in the cloud for safe keeping. But after reading of others having hackers get into their cloud storage and wipe it all I thought it would be a good idea to keep an onsite backup of the offsite backup.
So using either Google Drive, Drop box or Skydive where you can sync the files back to your computer is one thing I use and then I take a backup of that. Thats where I thought it would be fun to have a play with powershell to sync those folders to a backup directory.
So to start off with like any good developer I went and googled to see who has done this already and I found a good post by Steven Murawski which does it all for me.
Now to call this script I created a command file in notepad which included the below
powershell "{Location of script file}\Sync.ps1 {Location of Source} {Location of Sync Folder}" PAUSEExample:
powershell "C:\Scripts\Sync.ps1 C:\Pictures D:\PicturesBackup" PAUSEBelow is the actual Powershell script from Steven Murawski
# Requires -Version 2 # Also depends on having the Microsoft Sync Framework 2.0 SDK or Runtime a # --SDK-- # # --Runtime-- # # # [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess=$true)] param ( [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true)] [Alias('FullName', 'Path')] [string]$SourcePath , [Parameter(Position=2, Mandatory=$true)] [string]$DestinationPath , [Parameter(Position=3)] [string[]]$FileNameFilter , [Parameter(Position=4)] [string[]]$SubdirectoryNameFilter ) <# .Synopsis Synchronizes to directory trees .Description Examines two directory structures (SourcePath and DestinationPath) and uses the Microsoft Sync Framework File System Provider to synchronize them. .Example An example of using the command #> begin { [reflection.assembly]::LoadWithPartialName('Microsoft.Synchronization') | Out-Null [reflection.assembly]::LoadWithPartialName('Microsoft.Synchronization.Files') | Out-Null function Get-FileSystemChange() { param ($path, $filter, $options) try { $provider = new-object Microsoft.Synchronization.Files.FileSyncProvider -ArgumentList $path, $filter, $options $provider.DetectChanges() } finally { if ($provider -ne $null) { $provider.Dispose() } } } function Invoke-OneWayFileSync() { param ($SourcePath, $DestinationPath, $Filter, $Options) $ApplyChangeJobs = @() $AppliedChangeJobs = @() try { # Scriptblocks to handle the events raised during synchronization, I believe used for reporting $AppliedChangeAction = { $argument = $event.SourceEventArgs switch ($argument.ChangeType) { { $argument.ChangeType -eq [Microsoft.Synchronization.Files.ChangeType]::Create } {[string[]]$global:FileSyncReport.Created += $argument.NewFilePath} { $argument.ChangeType -eq [Microsoft.Synchronization.Files.ChangeType]::Delete } {[string[]]$global:FileSyncReport.Deleted += $argument.OldFilePath} { $argument.ChangeType -eq [Microsoft.Synchronization.Files.ChangeType]::Update } {[string[]]$global:FileSyncReport.Updated += $argument.OldFilePath} { $argument.ChangeType -eq [Microsoft.Synchronization.Files.ChangeType]::Rename } {[string[]]$global:FileSyncReport.Renamed += $argument.OldFilePath} } } $SkippedChangeAction = { [string[]]$global:FileSyncReport.Skipped += $event.SourceEventArgs.CurrentFilePath if ($event.SourceEventArgs.Exception -ne $null) { Write-Error '[' + "$($event.SourceEventArgs.Exception.Message)" +']' } } # Create source provider and register change events for it $sourceProvider = New-Object Microsoft.Synchronization.Files.FileSyncProvider -ArgumentList $SourcePath, $filter, $options $AppliedChangeJobs += Register-ObjectEvent -InputObject $SourceProvider -EventName AppliedChange -Action $AppliedChangeAction $AppliedChangeJobs += Register-ObjectEvent -InputObject $SourceProvider -EventName SkippedChange -Action $SkippedChangeAction $ApplyChangeJobs += $SourceApplyChangeJob # Create destination provider and register change events for it $destinationProvider = New-Object Microsoft.Synchronization.Files.FileSyncProvider -ArgumentList $DestinationPath, $filter, $options $AppliedChangeJobs += Register-ObjectEvent -InputObject $destinationProvider -EventName AppliedChange -Action $AppliedChangeAction $AppliedChangeJobs += Register-ObjectEvent -InputObject $destinationProvider -EventName SkippedChange -Action $SkippedChangeAction $ApplyChangeJobs += $DestApplyChangeJob # Use scriptblocks for the SyncCallbacks for conflicting items. $ItemConflictAction = { $event.SourceEventArgs.SetResolutionAction([Microsoft.Synchronization.ConflictResolutionAction]::SourceWins) [string[]]$global:FileSyncReport.Conflicted += $event.SourceEventArgs.DestinationChange.ItemId } $ItemConstraintAction = { $event.SourceEventArgs.SetResolutionAction([Microsoft.Synchronization.ConstraintConflictResolutionAction]::SourceWins) [string[]]$global:FileSyncReport.Constrained += $event.SourceEventArgs.DestinationChange.ItemId } #Configure the events for conflicts or constraints for the source and destination providers $destinationCallbacks = $destinationProvider.DestinationCallbacks $AppliedChangeJobs += Register-ObjectEvent -InputObject $destinationCallbacks -EventName ItemConflicting -Action $ItemConflictAction $AppliedChangeJobs += Register-ObjectEvent -InputObject $destinationCallbacks -EventName ItemConstraint -Action $ItemConstraintAction $sourceCallbacks = $SourceProvider.DestinationCallbacks $AppliedChangeJobs += Register-ObjectEvent -InputObject $sourceCallbacks -EventName ItemConflicting -Action $ItemConflictAction $AppliedChangeJobs += Register-ObjectEvent -InputObject $sourceCallbacks -EventName ItemConstraint -Action $ItemConstraintAction # Create the agent that will perform the file sync $agent = New-Object Microsoft.Synchronization.SyncOrchestrator $agent.LocalProvider = $sourceProvider $agent.RemoteProvider = $destinationProvider # Upload changes from the source to the destination. $agent.Direction = [Microsoft.Synchronization.SyncDirectionOrder]::Upload Write-Host "Synchronizing changes from $($sourceProvider.RootDirectoryPath) to replica: $($destinationProvider.RootDirectoryPath)" $agent.Synchronize(); } finally { # Release resources. if ($sourceProvider -ne $null) {$sourceProvider.Dispose()} if ($destinationProvider -ne $null) {$destinationProvider.Dispose()} } } # Set options for the synchronization session. In this case, options specify # that the application will explicitly call FileSyncProvider.DetectChanges, and # that items should be moved to the Recycle Bin instead of being permanently deleted. $options = [Microsoft.Synchronization.Files.FileSyncOptions]::ExplicitDetectChanges $options = $options -bor [Microsoft.Synchronization.Files.FileSyncOptions]::RecycleDeletedFiles $options = $options -bor [Microsoft.Synchronization.Files.FileSyncOptions]::RecyclePreviousFileOnUpdates $options = $options -bor [Microsoft.Synchronization.Files.FileSyncOptions]::RecycleConflictLoserFiles } process { $filter = New-Object Microsoft.Synchronization.Files.FileSyncScopeFilter if ($FileNameFilter.count -gt 0) { $FileNameFilter | ForEach-Object { $filter.FileNameExcludes.Add($_) } } if ($SubdirectoryNameFilter.count -gt 0) { $SubdirectoryNameFilter | ForEach-Object { $filter.SubdirectoryExcludes.Add($_) } } # Perform the detect changes operation on the two file locations Get-FileSystemChange $SourcePath $filter $options Get-FileSystemChange $DestinationPath $filter $options # Reporting Object - using the global scope so that it can be updated by the event scriptblocks. $global:FileSyncReport = New-Object PSObject | Select-Object SourceStats, DestinationStats, Created, Deleted, Overwritten, Renamed, Skipped, Conflicted, Constrained # We don't need to pass any filters here, since we are using the file detection that was previously completed. # this will only $global:FileSyncReport.SourceStats = Invoke-OneWayFileSync -SourcePath $SourcePath -DestinationPath $DestinationPath -Filter $null -Options $options #$global:FileSyncReport.DestinationStats = Invoke-OneWayFileSync -SourcePath $DestinationPath -DestinationPath $SourcePath -Filter $null -Options $options # Write result to pipeline Write-Output $global:FileSyncReport }
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