Friday, 29 March 2013

Extended Soundex

I think Soundex is great to be able to compare two names and find possible matches. One of the limitations though that I have found is that it will only return 4 characters which can mean it only checks the start of the name. This can be good when you are comparing two names and one has been shortened but what about longer names?

Anyway so I created the below one day to help out someone when they wanted to compare names and the traditional soundex wasnt enough.

It uses the same principles as Soundex but it searches through all of the name.

Wikipedia has a good explanation of how the traditional Soundex works.

Of course this is just a basic example, Id suggest to use it for larger pieces you place it into a User Defined Table Function perhaps Or a Stored Procedure which accepts tables - I believe you can do that now but haven't tried it myself yet.

--Create my Name List
IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#NameList') IS NOT NULL 
CREATE TABLE #NameList (ID INT IDENTITY, Surname varchar(120), GivenNames varchar(120), GivenNameLength int)
INSERT INTO #NameList (Surname, GivenNames, GivenNameLength)
Select 'Dummy 'Surname, 'Robert William Francis' as GivenNames, 22 as GivenNameLength
Declare @NameID as int = 1
Declare @Letter as int = 1

Declare @GivenNameLength as int
Declare @LetterToCheck as varchar(1)
Declare @SoundexValue as varchar(50)
Declare @Names as bigint = 0
DECLARE @ReturnList TABLE (Surname varchar(120), GivenNames varchar(120), SoundexValue varchar(50))
--Determine the number of Names to check
Select @Names = COUNT(*) from #NameList
while @NameID <= @Names
 --The first letter of the Name is put straight in, grab the length to know how many loops to perform
 select @GivenNameLength = GivenNameLength, @SoundexValue = LEFT(GivenNames, 1)  
 from #NameList
 where ID = @NameID
 Select @Letter = 2
 --For each letter in the Name assign a Soundex Value
 while @Letter <= @GivenNameLength 
  select @LetterToCheck = UPPER(SUBSTRING(GivenNames, @Letter, 1)) from #NameList
  where ID = @NameID
  --Assign Soundex Values
  select @SoundexValue = @SoundexValue + case when @LetterToCheck IN ('b', 'f', 'p', 'v') then '1'
     when @LetterToCheck IN ('c', 'g', 'j', 'k', 'q', 's', 'x', 'z') then '2'
     when @LetterToCheck IN ('d', 't') then '3'
     when @LetterToCheck IN ('l') then '4'
     when @LetterToCheck IN ('m', 'n') then '5'
     when @LetterToCheck IN ('r') then '6'
     --when @LetterToCheck IN ('h', 'w') then 'hw'
     when @LetterToCheck IN ('a', 'e', 'i', 'o', 'u') then 'v'
     else '' end
  Select @Letter = @Letter + 1
  --Return a record
  INSERT INTO @ReturnList
  select Surname, GivenNames, 
  --If there are two letters with the same number next to each other return only 1
  --Unless there is a vowel in which case they remain
  , '11', '1') 
  , '22', '2') 
  , '33', '3') 
  , '44', '4') 
  , '55', '5') 
  , '66', '6') 
  , 'v', '') as NewSoundexValue
  from #NameList
  where ID = @NameID
 select @NameID = @NameID + 1
SELECT * FROM @ReturnList

Sunday, 24 March 2013

Hans Rosling Shows the best stats you've ever seen

I love this TED Presentation by Hans Rosling, it makes you firstly think about the facts he is showing but then from a person who works with data about the difference between simply providing data and providing insight to get a point across.

Hans Rosling Shows the best stats you've ever seen

Creating a Calendar View

I like to put commonly used scripts into Views/Stored Procedures etc. It means I dont have to re-write out the logic each time, I know that there has been a consistent use of the logic and if there is a change needed to the logic I make it once rather than many times across all of my scripts/reports etc. Yeah seems obvious to do but Ive seen a lot of developers who dont bother.

Now this is view is related of course to my previous post Creating A Calendar Table but I find that having an independent view that you can use in Reports or reused SQL Scripts very helpful.

What better way to set default date values than referring to a consistent view AND if for some reason there is a change in regards to the definition of say the last day of the Previous Month - maybe it is now the last Monday for example instead of the last actual day you can change it within the view once and all of your reports/scripts are instantly updated. No more having to go through them all updating the logic.

Depending on where you are located you may want to change around a few of these values for example the Financial Years which wont apply to all.

-- =============================================

-- Create View template
-- =============================================
-- Adjust accordingly

object_id(N'dbo.vDateDetails', 'V') IS NOT NULL

DROP VIEW dbo.vDateDetails
VIEW dbo.vDateDetails AS
() AS [Now]

DATEADD(d, DATEDIFF(d,0,getdate()), 0) as Today

DATEADD(d, DATEDIFF(d,0,getdate()), -1) as Yesterday

CONVERT (varchar, getdate(), 112) As IntDate

DAY(getdate()) As [DayOfMonth]

DATEPART(dayofyear, getdate()) as [DayOfYear]

Month(getdate()) as MonthOfYear

DATENAME(month, getdate()) AS [MonthName]

YEAR(getdate()) as [Year]

case when Month(getdate()) > 6 then
right(cast(YEAR(getdate()) as varchar(4)), 2) + '/' + right(cast(YEAR(dateadd(yy, 1, getdate())) as varchar(4)), 2)
right(cast(YEAR(dateadd(yy, -1, getdate())) as varchar(4)), 2) + '/' + right(cast(YEAR(dateadd(yy, 0, getdate())) as varchar(4)), 2)
end as CurrentFinancialYear

case when Month(getdate()) > 6 then
right(cast(YEAR(dateadd(yy, -1, getdate())) as varchar(4)), 2) + '/' + right(cast(YEAR(dateadd(yy, 0, getdate())) as varchar(4)), 2)
right(cast(YEAR(dateadd(yy, -2, getdate())) as varchar(4)), 2) + '/' + right(cast(YEAR(dateadd(yy, -1, getdate())) as varchar(4)), 2)
end as PreviousFinancialYear

case when Month(getdate()) > 6 then
right(cast(YEAR(dateadd(yy, 1, getdate())) as varchar(4)), 2) + '/' + right(cast(YEAR(dateadd(yy, 2, getdate())) as varchar(4)), 2)
right(cast(YEAR(dateadd(yy, 0, getdate())) as varchar(4)), 2) + '/' + right(cast(YEAR(dateadd(yy, 1, getdate())) as varchar(4)), 2)
end as NextFinancialYear

DATEPART(quarter, getdate()) as CalQuarter

DATEPART(week, getdate()) as WeekOfYear

DATEPART(weekday, getdate()) as [Weekday]

DATENAME(weekday, getdate()) AS [WeekDayName]

DATEADD(wk, DATEDIFF(wk,0,getdate()), 0) as MondayOfWeek

DATEADD(s,-1,DATEADD(mm, DATEDIFF(m,0,getdate()),0)) as LastDayOfPreviousMonth

DATEADD(s,-1,DATEADD(mm, DATEDIFF(m,0,getdate())+1,0)) as LastDayOfCurrentMonth

DATEADD(s,-1,DATEADD(mm, DATEDIFF(m,0,getdate())+2,0)) as LastDayOfNextMonth

DATEADD(mm, DATEDIFF(m,0,getdate()),0) as FirstDayOfCurrentMonth

DATEADD(mm, DATEDIFF(m,0,getdate())+1,0) as FirstDayOfNextMonth

DATEADD(mm, DATEDIFF(m,0,getdate())-1,0) as FirstDayOfPreviousMonth

DATEADD(qq, DATEDIFF(qq,0,getdate()), 0) as FirstDayOfCurrentQuarter

DATEADD(s,-1,DATEADD(qq, DATEDIFF(q,0,getdate())+1,0)) as LastDayOfCurrentQuarter